Behavioral product strategist and gamification designer. This is my public hypertext notebook, sharing my thinking in motion at various stages of development.


Follow curiosity unconditionally

Index pages:: Methods for learning and thinking

This is one of the main benefits that I've found with my decision to consult (see: Why I chose to consult rather than pursue a PhDWhy I chose to consult rather than pursue a PhD
Behavioral science is a deep passion of mine. Upon graduation, I didn't want to stop studying it. Many asked (myself included), "Why not go get a PhD?" There were many reasons, but this thought experiment was the main one.

As a disclaimer - I want to point out that the conclusions I came to during this thought experiment are as a result of the fact that I knew I eventually wanted to do applied work.

Before I started consulting, I formed this thought experiment: fast forwarding the 6 years i...

If I furthered my career into academia, then I would be doing a ton of readings, but those readings would have largely come from the prescriptions of professors.

In consulting, I'm still reading many papers and books (even the occasional textbook), but it's determined by my curiosity. I'm allowed to be autodidactic and read about what I think is interesting.

When I follow my curiosity unconditionally, my assumptions are the following:

  • I don't know when it will be useful, but there's a good chance it will be someday.
  • If it's not useful on its own, there's a good chance it will be useful through the way that it paints my understanding of other things that I know.
  • If I learn out of a sense of curiosity, I'll put more work into learning than if I were learning out of a sense of obligation.
  • It's okay to just read what I want to read because There is no curriculum that encompasses everything you should knowThere is no curriculum that encompasses everything you should know
    People often ask me what they need to read in order to work in Behavioral Product Strategy. My answer? There is no curriculum of everything you should know.

    I’ve found the following useful:

    Behavioral economics helps me to understand how people make decisions and judgments around concepts of value
    The study of individual differences and personality helps me to understand users better, how to interpret that information better, and how to translate that into behavior change
    The study of...
  • If I learn only what I feel obligated to learn, then that means I'll have learnt what everyone else has learnt. If I read what everybody else is reading, then I'll think like everybody else, so I'd end up bored and blend in with the crowd.