Behavioral product strategist and gamification designer. This is my public hypertext notebook, sharing my thinking in motion at various stages of development.


How I'm learning Clojure

On these sorts of things, I like to Follow curiosity unconditionallyFollow curiosity unconditionally
Index pages:: Methods for learning and thinking

This is one of the main benefits that I've found with my decision to consult (see: Why I chose to consult rather than pursue a PhD).

If I furthered my career into academia, then I would be doing a ton of readings, but those readings would have largely come from the prescriptions of professors.

In consulting, I'm still reading many papers and books (even the occasional textbook), but it's determined by my curiosity. I'm allowed to be autodidac...
. While I may not be progressing down a curriculum as fast as others, the fact that I'm trusting my curiosity means that I'm consuming more content overall. It's self-motivated, rather than obligated.

There is no curriculum that encompasses everything you should knowThere is no curriculum that encompasses everything you should know
People often ask me what they need to read in order to work in Behavioral Product Strategy. My answer? There is no curriculum of everything you should know.

I’ve found the following useful:

Behavioral economics helps me to understand how people make decisions and judgments around concepts of value
The study of individual differences and personality helps me to understand users better, how to interpret that information better, and how to translate that into behavior change
The study of...
applies here as well. It should be clear that my desired use case (exploring Domain-specific languages as end-user softwareDomain-specific languages as end-user software
What I learned from GuidedTrack

Working on GuidedTrack, I have become very interested in this concept of domain-specific languages as applications. GuidedTrack does this interesting thing where the functions are so high level that it's fairly plug and play to make a research study, form, or choose-your-own-adventure story.

You can even write your code in a structured editor that lets you fill out a form to generate your code for you. As you get more familiar with the language, you don't n...
and trying to create runnable models of systems) is non-traditional. As of right now, I have no intention of becoming a developer as a career move. This is largely personal curiosity, so pick and choose what you like.

At the top I just want to thank my friends: Brian James RubintonBrian James Rubinton
His twitter

He is working on Kanopi
, Tasshin FoglemanTasshin Fogleman
His twitter
, Christopher SmallChristopher Small
His twitter

A brilliant thread on Clojure and Data Science where we first (inter)met:

Great question!#Clojure has started to gain a small but exuberant following of data scientists, so there is definitely SOME traction here.The real question is: Why hasn't there been more? And is this a flash in the pan, or is there real ongoing potential here?— Christopher Small (@metasoarous) April 27, 2021

, and Paul BauerPaul Bauer
His twitter
have all been especially helpful with Clojure. James LuJames Lu
His main twitter

His Python twitter
has been helpful with programming concepts more generally.

General concepts

The Joy of Clojure: Really great for the theoretical knowledge. Assumes some prior knowledge of coding concepts, so I’m using it more as my computer science source. It became clear fairly quickly that it wasn't for beginners, but as I'm learning from other content

Clojure for the Brave and True: Most of its examples in early chapters are pretty bad at showing the actual principles going on. I think Clojure from the Ground Up is better at this. In the “putting it all together” sections, the examples tend to be a bit more in depth than Clojure from the Ground Up, so I like it then. I've found it helpful to read about the concept first in Clojure from the Ground Up, and then come back to Clojure for the Brave and True.

Clojure from the Ground Up: This was the first intro I found that felt accessible. They explain the mechanics of the language very well and have a lot of legible examples. It was especially helpful for understanding Clojure data structures. I would recommend this as a starting resource. It glossed over recursion (functions that call themselves) pretty quickly though in chapters 3/4. Brave and True had the same issue. I was starting to feel lost, but then some people recommended The Little Schemer as a clear explanation of recursion. Luckily, this is one of the books Tasshin sent me, so I jumped in.

The Little Schemer: I love it, what a delightful book. Very accessible approach to teaching me recursion through practice problems that are described step-by-step and require no prior knowledge. It shows me how to approach the problems and think about the questions and instructions the computer is following. I’m also very grateful for this website that translates the concepts and functions to Clojure. Like Clojure, Scheme is a LISP dialect, so for the most part things are so similar that it doesn't matter, but that website made it so I could run the functions in the primary language I'm learning.

The Little Schemer also helped me realize that in Clojure, most of what I'm doing is using functions to select items from within a list and do stuff with them.

4clojure: A great way to practice. 90% of Clojure seems like it’s just operating on sequences or elements within sequences so it’s a good way to learn. There aren’t always the best explanations or hints though. I've made it through 20 or so problems as of the last time I updated this.

Queries and navigation

The data-driven programming mental modelThe data-driven programming mental model
One of the core mental models of Clojure is: Write data structures. Create functions that take that data as input and create new data structures as their output, and flow the output of those into other functions. Essentially, model the world through data and its transformations.

One of my biggest motivations to learn Clojure is to explore the idea of Domain-specific languages as end-user software. Given the data-driven programming mental model, DSL creation would be just creating a notation ...
is one of the core mental models of Clojure. Code is data and data is code, so being able to work with data is how I could build Domain-specific languages as end-user softwareDomain-specific languages as end-user software
What I learned from GuidedTrack

Working on GuidedTrack, I have become very interested in this concept of domain-specific languages as applications. GuidedTrack does this interesting thing where the functions are so high level that it's fairly plug and play to make a research study, form, or choose-your-own-adventure story.

You can even write your code in a structured editor that lets you fill out a form to generate your code for you. As you get more familiar with the language, you don't n...

Learn Datalog Today: really cool and accessible way to get started with Datalog. I've made it through a few chapters so far, and this video is also great, thanks to Stian HaklevStian Haklev
His Twitter
for the recommendation. Datalog is interesting to me because I've got this hefty EDN (Clojure's alternative to JSON) from my RoamRoam
For anyone who isn't already familiar, Roam Research is a knowledge management system that organizes text on a graph of connections. Think of it like a Wikipedia that you write that can be queried and filtered like a database. For example, a behavioral scientist could search for interventions that change social norms. Roam would pull up all instances in your database that connect "intervention" with "social norms" and display them to you in the context where you originally wrote down those no...
export and I think I could do some really cool things with it.

Specter: A Clojure library that makes it really easy to navigate nested data structures and apply functions to them. Marketed as "Clojure's Missing Piece." From my impressions talking with Paul and Tasshin, once you get used to it you'll want to use it in all of your programs. Since Clojure is mostly just finding stuff in nested sequences to plug into other functions, this seems like an obviously helpful library. I followed along with this video first and this one second, and have used it in a couple of small projects. Some of the examples in my other resources point to more roundabout ways of performing certain functions, which I'll generally try to translate into Specter.


Oh gosh so many, most of which I barely understand. However, here are some good ones that felt genuinely illuminating (that I haven't already mentioned elsewhere in this post):

Solving Problems the Clojure Way by Rafal Dittwald helped me grasp the mental model of data-driven programming.

One of the weird things about Clojure is that, through macros, you can actually write your code in multiple syntaxes. That can be a bit confusing, especially to a beginner who's trying to wrap their head around one. This video was helpful for that.

Basically anything by Eric NormandEric Normand
His twitter
. His videos on functional programming are great. Here are two I recommend: Lisp, a language for stratefied design and this video on domain-driven design.


The most successful app adoptions come from a projectThe most successful app adoptions come from a project

New users do not yet have the vocabulary to understand the app. A big mistake that many people make when they try out a new app is that they’ll try to understand features in a very abstract sense. They will try to understand what it is without knowing what it is for. When people make this mistake, Adoption goes down. Projects allow the app to Speak to the user with a shared vocabulary. They put functionalities into context, closing the feedback loop on learning the usefulness of said f...
, so I'm just trying as hard as I can to put things into context. Right now my main project is just playing around with the export of my Roam EDN, but I'm also picking up little ones along the way. See Direct functions and end-user programmingDirect functions and end-user programming
Just a little anecdote of a small project:

I needed to make a program to resize images in a weird way for GuidedTrack. Instead of scaling images, I needed to add whitespace to the horizontal margins. As far as I could tell, Clojure didn't have many pre-built libraries for it, so I switched to Racket, where it seemed to have some specific functions out of the box to do what I wanted. I figured a Lisp is a Lisp so it couldn't be that different. I was able to make a function in 6 lines of code ...
. I have more ideas than action here so far, but I'm also working on some text transformations on my directory of markdown files (the main area where I write notes now). I'm working through the books described at the top.


IDE: I use the community edition of IntelliJ + Cursive (free for noncommercial use). Since I'm interested in Learnable programmingLearnable programming
When people want to learn to code from scratch, they might search for an online code academy. Through a series of lessons, they would teach you the ins and outs of a language and of your developer tools. If you're bought into this way of teaching people how to code, you might try to learn better pedagogical technique.

Learnable programming asks a different question. How might we design developer tools and programming languages so coding is inherently easier to learn? How might we change the ...
, I wanted a tool that had a great debugger. I don't really know what to do with the debugger yet, but that's another story. I like that I can hover preview over Clojure functions to see their documentation. I've also used a bit of VS Code + Calva because it works fairly well out of the box. More things seem to "just work" with Cursive though. I've played around with Doom Emacs before when I was curious about its UX and trying to see how Org-Mode worked. While Emacs is the canonical choice, I would say that unless you want to spend a lot of time learning your tool before you can learn Clojure or you already know how to use Emacs, I'd go with one of the other two. You can always transition to Emacs later.

Parinfer: This is a plugin that works on most IDEs that handle Clojure that infers the locations of your closing parens (parens, square brackets, or curly brackets), from your indentation. This makes it easier to write code (parens are matched, paired, and syntactically correct automatically) while also prompting me more towards indentation, which makes the structure of my code more visually apparent to myself. Watch this talk if you're a nerd like me and want to hear about the UX research.

Leiningen: Okay so this was the weirdest part for me. A few things to remember: lein new app "name" is how you create a new Clojure project. The name should all be lower case. In order to use a library, go to your project.clj file, add [library "version-number"] to :dependencies like how you see below, and then add it to your namespace in your core.clj file following instructions on how to do that. If you don't add it to your dependencies first you'll get an error message about it not being in your classpath or something. After you add it to your dependencies, go to your terminal, write cd project/file/path, and then write lein repl. Leiningen will download the dependencies for you. I spent like 3 or 4 hours trying to figure this out before Brian helped me figure this out.

:dependencies [ [org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
                [datascript "1.1.0"]]

Your namespace should look something like this:

(ns playing-with-roam-backup.core
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]
            [datascript.core :as d]))