Behavioral product strategist and gamification designer. This is my public hypertext notebook, sharing my thinking in motion at various stages of development.


By Date


  • Adoption requires a baseline of user involvement in order to overcome inertiaAdoption requires a baseline of user involvement in order to overcome inertia
    Products are fundamentally voluntary and your product takes effort to use. Speak to the user with a shared vocabulary so they are able to understand why you are worthwhile.

    Remember, you’re competing against doing nothing and against pre-existing habits. Pre-existing habits are overcome through deliberate behavior, positive motivation, and reduced switching costs.

    Designing for User Involvement is a reliable way to increase the likelihood of initial adoption. Design the user’s initial exper...
  • AdoptionAdoption
    This page is simply to collect pages that link to it. Use this to jump to other locations.
  • Apps with continued user involvement are responsive to increasing skill levels over timeApps with continued user involvement are responsive to increasing skill levels over time
    Near the beginning of a person's personal productivity journey, they may be fine with using Apple Reminders as their form of task manager. Eventually, User skill level increases over time, so they may want to sort tasks into projects. Apple Reminders can handle that, so the user remains satisfied.

    Eventually, they read Getting Things Done and realize that the Lists within Apple Reminders just won't do the trick. According to the principles of Difficulty Matching, this is the point where they...
  • Apps with continued user involvement enable the user to accomplish multiple goalsApps with continued user involvement enable the user to accomplish multiple goals
    If an app enables the user to accomplish only one goal, then the user will be lost as soon as the one goal disappears or is accomplished better by using some other product. Accomplishing multiple goals makes for a sturdier foundation of usage that is more resilient to changing life circumstances, as User goals change over time.

    Imagine if all LinkedIn was good for was finding a job. If this were the case, then people would stop using it as soon as they found a job. However, they can also be ...
  • Apps with continued user involvement respond to changing user goals over timeApps with continued user involvement respond to changing user goals over time
    New users do not yet have the vocabulary to understand the app, but as User skill level increases over time, so does their vocabulary. They are able to conceptualize and express desires that they couldn’t express before, so User goals change over time. If the app can only handle the user's goals 2 weeks in but not 2 months in, then it can't expect the user's continued involvement.

    This points to the importance of Continuous onboarding for Difficulty Matching. If the user's skill level doesn'...
  • Behavioral Product StrategyBehavioral Product Strategy
    The way a product is designed shapes the way that people use it. Every app is designed for behavior change, intentionally or unintentionally, so the questions that drive behavioral product strategy must be addressed. User Involvement is a set of metrics whose success is defined by the combination of user behaviors that contribute towards creating a desirable outcome. Behavioral product strategy is making product decisions to influence user behavior and improve user involvement.

    It doesn't ma...
  • BioBio
    I started out my career studying behavioral economics in college, graduated wanting to keep working in the space but figured that technology was the best place to apply behavioral science for high impact.

    I figured that I could continue to learn about behavioral science by reading papers on my own and working with products to apply the insights and see them in action.

    For three years, I worked as an independent consultant specializing in behavioral product strategy and gamification. Through...
  • Brian James RubintonBrian James Rubinton
    His twitter

    He is working on Kanopi
  • Building Community in Obsidian with LicatBuilding Community in Obsidian with Licat
    Below is a chat I had via Discord with Licat, one of the co-founders of Obsidian, an excellent application that I use for editing all of the markdown files on this website. I'm working on developing a community for GuidedTrack, so this conversation was incredibly helpful.

    I'm a behavioral product strategist. That means I like to think about design decisions with respect to how they influence user behavior.

    For example, how does the medium of communication influence the frequency with which ...
  • Christopher SmallChristopher Small
    His twitter

    A brilliant thread on Clojure and Data Science where we first (inter)met:

    Great question!#Clojure has started to gain a small but exuberant following of data scientists, so there is definitely SOME traction here.The real question is: Why hasn't there been more? And is this a flash in the pan, or is there real ongoing potential here?— Christopher Small (@metasoarous) April 27, 2021

  • Clojure is programmed to abstractionsClojure is programmed to abstractions
    This is a dense topic, but the short version is:

    Clojure has many different data types. Maps, vectors, and lists are all different data types, but you can generally use the same functions to work with them because, abstractly, they're all sequences. This means you need to learn fewer primitives and functions are more likely to work on whatever data type you're using if you think they will.

    See the first couple of sections of Chapter 4 of Clojure for the Brave and True for more details.
  • ClojureClojure
    Why I'm learning Clojure

    Domain-specific languages as end-user software

    How I'm learning Clojure

    What I like about Clojure
  • Continuous onboarding can come from communityContinuous onboarding can come from community
    I’m still working on this one, leave a comment or send me a note on Twitter @RobertHaisfield if you want to see more on this page!

    See initial thoughts here:
  • Design systems of influenceDesign systems of influence
    I’m still working on this one, leave a comment or send me a note on Twitter @RobertHaisfield if you want to see more on this page!
  • Designing for failure states in FabriqDesigning for failure states in Fabriq
    Fabriq is a personal relationship management tool that enables users to be intentional about how they prioritize, track, and invest in the people close to users. You can add contacts to your inner, middle, or outer circle, set connection frequencies, and note down important details. While working with them, our focus was on increasing retention. In order for users to gain value out of Fabriq, they must use the app as a means of personally scheduling who to talk to. In my behavioral audit, I t...
  • Designing for user involvement creates a virtuous cycle of usageDesigning for user involvement creates a virtuous cycle of usage
    Once we’ve set the behaviors involved in enhancing User Involvement in motion, we create a virtuous cycle of involvement. User behavior turns into goal accomplishment. This reinforces the value of those user behaviors, so the user is more likely to use your product when they have a goal that the product can help them accomplish.

    People internalize the value of the app more deeply over time, so Designing for user involvement has positive effects on adoption, retention, and virality.

  • Designing for user involvement has positive effects on adoption, retention, and virality
  • Difficulty Matching
  • Direct functions and end-user programming
  • Domain-specific languages as end-user software
  • Easy to learn, hard to use
  • End-user scripting enables creative workarounds
  • Eric Normand
  • Eventually user skill level will reach the limitations of the software
  • Every app is designed for behavior change, intentionally or unintentionally
  • Expectancy Value Theory
  • Fabriq
  • Failure state
  • Feedback loops are a more efficient method of communication
  • Fogg Behavior Model
  • Game designers and behavioral scientists are asking many of the same questions
  • Game designers have been designing for digital behavior change for longer than just about anyone
  • Gamification is not one monolithic thing
  • Gamification
  • Goal Resonance
  • GuidedTrack Toolbar
  • GuidedTrack Live Preview
  • GuidedTrack
  • HEY
  • Habits are the wrong thing to focus on for most behaviorally designed applications
  • Help the user to recognize situations for functionality usage
  • Horizontal product
  • How I'm learning Clojure
  • How we address GuidedTrack's key failure states
  • How we can work together
  • Hyper learning
  • I design for successful goal achievement and playstyles that are appropriate for the user
  • If I read what everybody else is reading, then I’ll think like everybody else
  • Initial Research on GuidedTrack
  • Intention-Behavior Gap
  • Intentionally design for failure states
  • James Lu
  • Lazy gamification
  • Learn by going up and down the ladder of abstraction
  • Learnable programming
  • Lenses of behavioral science and game design principles
  • Make an impact through portfolio effects
  • Mind Ease
  • Most gamification sucks
  • New users do not yet have the vocabulary to understand the app
  • Obsidian
  • Onboarding Plan as Presented to GuidedTrack on 10-20-20
  • OpenMind
  • Parameters of onboarding
  • Paul Bauer
  • People start using an app with different prior skill levels
  • Products are fundamentally voluntary
  • Programming languages are converging due to runtime
  • Progress monitoring and feedback systems
  • Provide a smooth learning curve from new user to power user
  • Publications
  • Questions from prospects
  • Removing GUI elements as the user's skill level increases
  • Retention
  • Roam Cybrarian
  • Roam
  • Roguelike
  • Satisfy the social contract between the user and the app
  • Spark Wave
  • Speak to the user with a shared vocabulary
  • Spencer Greenberg
  • Startup Foundry
  • Stian Haklev
  • Tasshin Fogleman
  • Testimonials
  • The Kurt Lewin Equation
  • The data-driven programming mental model
  • The difference between user involvement and user engagement
  • The goal of game design is to influence user behavior to create an intended experience
  • The hard problem of onboarding horizontal products
  • The most successful app adoptions come from a project
  • The user believes that the app will help them achieve a goal that they actually have
  • The user believes that their actions in the app lead to goal achievement
  • The user believes that they are capable of performing actions within the app
  • The user has a high expectancy of success in using your software
  • The user should learn enough of the app’s functionality to accomplish a goal
  • There are individual differences between new users in their initial user goals
  • There could be many genres of gamification
  • There is no curriculum that encompasses everything you should know
  • Think about mechanics as facilitators
  • Think of this claim as a parameter rather than a claim of universal truth
  • UpLift
  • Use a badging system as a method of actionable user research
  • User Goal
  • User Involvement
  • User goals change over time
  • User skill level increases over time
  • Wade Dominic
  • What I like about Clojure
  • When is gamification appropriate?
  • Why I chose to consult rather than pursue a PhD
  • Why I love interoperability
  • Why I'm learning Clojure
  • Why isn't FigJam on the same canvas type as Figma Prime?
  • Writing in hypertext
  • Continuous onboarding
  • Follow curiosity unconditionally
  • mental model
  • motivation check
  • motivation waves
  • Self-efficacy
  • streak counter
  • The user may have a lack of imagination as to what user goals they can accomplish